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Autres Pronos - Septembre

Guillaume LEROYER

Messages recommandés

Etape 5 du Tour of Britain


1   Guillaume LEROYER12     points
2   Jean-Pierre PURCHA8     points
3   Philippe VALLEE7   
4   Clément BETOURNE7     points
5   Jean-Pierre FOURNIER6     points
6   Robert AUDRAN6     points
7   Jean-Louis AGUILAR6     points
8   Serge MASSELOT3     points


Classement provisoire du Tour of Britain


1   Guillaume LEROYER15     points
2   Clément BETOURNE14     points
3   Philippe VALLEE13   
4   Jean-Pierre FOURNIER10     points
4   Robert AUDRAN10     points
6   Jean-Louis AGUILAR9     points
7   Jean-Pierre PURCHA8     points
8   Serge MASSELOT5     points
9   Joachim GARREAU0     point


Classement Continental Pro


1   Guillaume LEROYER226     points12121111109999888887777766666555554
2   Philippe VALLEE196   
3   Clément BETOURNE187     points12119988777777766666555554444433
4   Jean-Louis AGUILAR185     points121110888777766666665555554444444
5   Jean-Pierre PURCHA163     points11109988886666655555444444332221
6   Jean-Pierre FOURNIER162     points10109998777666665555444433332222
7   Joachim GARREAU126     points1087766655555554443333322222211
7   Serge MASSELOT126     points887776555544444443333333332222
9   Steven PICARDA105     points111088666665555433332           
10   Robert AUDRAN86     points988766555444322221111         
11   Tory HIPPOCRATE80     points8887655554433222111           
12   Pierre ROSEC76     points1110866655443332                
13   Eric BERNICOT74     points10107655544433332               
14   Thierry LUNARD70     points865555544443332211            
15   Jean-Claude DURBAN64     points987765544222111               
16   Michel ROTH56     points1111874333222                   
17   Jean-Pierre MARTINEZ37     points9766522                       
18   Laurent GUILCHER31     points9653332                       
19   Jean-Marie BESSIERE26     points9732221                       
20   Christian FONTANELLA24     points95433                         
21   Stéphane MULOT13     points643                           
22   Julien DEGALLAIX6     points6                             


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