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Du délire le manque de ... en course!!!


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Salut Patrick,

J'ai regardé aussi quasi image par image. Le cycliste qui tombe arrive de la droite, donc de la signaleuse. Et la voiture s'arrête devant lui, ce qui rend l'illusion d'une collision. De plus, les réactions des spectateurs/secouristes, notamment de celle de la femme avec le corsaire et les écouteurs qui fait un geste de la main en direction du cycliste qui veut dire "ok", me laisse penser que le cycliste n'a rien et donc qu'il n'a pas été percuté par la voiture. Le noir au bermuda reste à côté de lui sans s'en préoccuper, de plus.

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Olivier ne pars pas. Ta lucidité et celle d'autres me permet d'y rester. Soyons solidaires. Le jojo, il est incroyable de mauvaise foi, mais c'est pas a cause de la fatigue, c'est naturel chez lui. Au moins il nous sert a voir que le monde est fait d'hypocrisie.....

Tu vas voir, il va me rappeler ma période dopage....., mon vélo a deux balles......etc....etc.

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Cette course semb le mal organisée, c'est le moins que l'on puisse dire.J'organise des courses et je peux vous dire tout ce qu'il faut pour avoir l'autorisation de lapréfecture et contrôle des gendarmes au départ.on a souvent des circuits entièrement fermés mais cela ne garanti pas une securité maximale,ou bien la circulation se fait dans le sens de la course.Par contre si un accident de ce genre arrive,avec les conséquences que cela peut avoir (voir la responsabilité de l'organisateur)l'année aprés la préfecture  refuse l'autorisation en avançant que ce circuit est dangereux.Dans cette course l'organisateur aurait dû partager la voie en deux avec des plots, une voiture ouvreuse.Et les coureurs dans tout ça?ce n'était pas le 1er tour ,donc ils savaient qu'un commissaire de courses se trouvait à cet endroit,donc un danger pour eux.

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Une belle connasse.

Il est permis de se demander si c'est bien elle la connasse😕

Cet article détaille les circonstances de l'accident et montre le schéma de cette course Pro.

Crystal City Bike Race Crash Pro Mens Chaos 

This video shows the absolute chaos from the Professional Mens race in downtown Crystal City on Sunday June 9th 2013. The course design has a major flaw, with two way traffic on crystal drive if riders get ahead of the main group.

In the video, three riders are leading, with 10 seconds on the field. To keep the group from going head on with the breakaway riders, an official is standing in the middle of the road directing traffic. A rider from the middle of the field did not see her, and hit her around 30 MPH.

With the official lying on the road, the lead car, official motorcycles, and police officers run into the road to direct the racers. As the race came around turn 7 (the final corner into the straightway), back onto Crystal Drive, they were met by what was basically a roadblock mid-corner. The first few rider were able see a clear line to the right of the mess, and made it around safely. Further back in the group, the corner was blind. With no where else to go, the rider in white and green went straight between the motor-official and police officer, until he saw the woman lying on the ground. He then attempted to bunny hop the woman but barely clipper her, sending him over the bars. More riders skidded to stops, and weaved through officials.

Minor injuries from the people who crashed, road rash for the riders, a sprained wrist for the official who was hit.



Crystal City Bike Race Crash Pro Mens Chaos 


This video shows the absolute chaos from the Professional Mens race in downtown Crystal City on Sunday June 9th 2013. The course design has a major flaw, with two way traffic on crystal drive if riders get ahead of the main group.

In the video, three riders are leading, with 10 seconds on the field. To keep the group from going head on with the breakaway riders, an official is standing in the middle of the road directing traffic. A rider from the middle of the field did not see her, and hit her around 30 MPH.

With the official lying on the road, the lead car, official motorcycles, and police officers run into the road to direct the racers. As the race came around turn 7 (the final corner into the straightway), back onto Crystal Drive, they were met by what was basically a roadblock mid-corner. The first few rider were able see a clear line to the right of the mess, and made it around safely. Further back in the group, the corner was blind. With no where else to go, the rider in white and green went straight between the motor-official and police officer, until he saw the woman lying on the ground. He then attempted to bunny hop the woman but barely clipper her, sending him over the bars. More riders skidded to stops, and weaved through officials.

Minor injuries from the people who crashed, road rash for the riders, a sprained wrist for the official who was hit.


Crystal City Bike Race Crash Pro Mens Chaos 

This video shows the absolute chaos from the Professional Mens race in downtown Crystal City on Sunday June 9th 2013. The course design has a major flaw, with two way traffic on crystal drive if riders get ahead of the main group.

In the video, three riders are leading, with 10 seconds on the field. To keep the group from going head on with the breakaway riders, an official is standing in the middle of the road directing traffic. A rider from the middle of the field did not see her, and hit her around 30 MPH.

With the official lying on the road, the lead car, official motorcycles, and police officers run into the road to direct the racers. As the race came around turn 7 (the final corner into the straightway), back onto Crystal Drive, they were met by what was basically a roadblock mid-corner. The first few rider were able see a clear line to the right of the mess, and made it around safely. Further back in the group, the corner was blind. With no where else to go, the rider in white and green went straight between the motor-official and police officer, until he saw the woman lying on the ground. He then attempted to bunny hop the woman but barely clipper her, sending him over the bars. More riders skidded to stops, and weaved through officials.

Minor injuries from the people who crashed, road rash for the riders, a sprained wrist for the official who was hit.



Crystal City Bike Race Crash Pro Mens Chaos 

This video shows the absolute chaos from the Professional Mens race in downtown Crystal City on Sunday June 9th 2013. The course design has a major flaw, with two way traffic on crystal drive if riders get ahead of the main group.

In the video, three riders are leading, with 10 seconds on the field. To keep the group from going head on with the breakaway riders, an official is standing in the middle of the road directing traffic. A rider from the middle of the field did not see her, and hit her around 30 MPH.

With the official lying on the road, the lead car, official motorcycles, and police officers run into the road to direct the racers. As the race came around turn 7 (the final corner into the straightway), back onto Crystal Drive, they were met by what was basically a roadblock mid-corner. The first few rider were able see a clear line to the right of the mess, and made it around safely. Further back in the group, the corner was blind. With no where else to go, the rider in white and green went straight between the motor-official and police officer, until he saw the woman lying on the ground. He then attempted to bunny hop the woman but barely clipper her, sending him over the bars. More riders skidded to stops, and weaved through officials.

Minor injuries from the people who crashed, road rash for the riders, a sprained wrist for the official who was hit.

Crystal City Bike Race Crash Pro Mens Chaos 

This video shows the absolute chaos from the Professional Mens race in downtown Crystal City on Sunday June 9th 2013. The course design has a major flaw, with two way traffic on crystal drive if riders get ahead of the main group.

In the video, three riders are leading, with 10 seconds on the field. To keep the group from going head on with the breakaway riders, an official is standing in the middle of the road directing traffic. A rider from the middle of the field did not see her, and hit her around 30 MPH.

With the official lying on the road, the lead car, official motorcycles, and police officers run into the road to direct the racers. As the race came around turn 7 (the final corner into the straightway), back onto Crystal Drive, they were met by what was basically a roadblock mid-corner. The first few rider were able see a clear line to the right of the mess, and made it around safely. Further back in the group, the corner was blind. With no where else to go, the rider in white and green went straight between the motor-official and police officer, until he saw the woman lying on the ground. He then attempted to bunny hop the woman but barely clipper her, sending him over the bars. More riders skidded to stops, and weaved through officials.

Minor injuries from the people who crashed, road rash for the riders, a sprained wrist for the official who was hit.



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une belle course

Ben oui, des pros quand même.

J'ajoute qu'il n'y a eu que des blessés légers (voir en bas du lien), au poignet pour la signaleuse.

J'aime bien le conducteur de la voiture ouvreuse d'où est sortie la femme qui porte secours à la signaleuse : il laisse la porte ouverte un bon moment, ne la referme pas et le cycliste qui s'engage de ce côté est obligé de tomber pour ne pas se payer la porte! Sinon, avec la porte fermée, il passait sans encombre.

J'ai l'impression que sur le plan du circuit, l'accident se produit au niveau du C de Crystal drive.

Le gros peloton est censé rouler du côté gauche, mais il est parti sur sa droite et ne se rabat que lentement sur la gauche à l'approche de l'endroit où ils doivent obliquer sur une autre route à gauche (pour faire une boucle et revenir vers l'endroit de l'accident.

C'est un coureur presque doublé qui rentre ds la signaleuse, il est juste qq secondes avant les 3 échappés.

En fait Crystal City ce n'est qu'un quartier d'Arlington (à côté de national Airport), face à Washington, de l'autre côté du Potomac.

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Merci Bernard pour le lien,

Mon piètre niveau d'anglais ne m'avait pas permis de trouver un site anglais expliquant les conditions de l'accident.

Dans mon analyse, j'avais tout juste à l'exception de la boucle sud du circuit, qui n'est pas en 8. En fait, il ne manque à l'organisation que des cônes de Lubeck pour séparer les deux côtés de la ligne droite.

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