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Turinabol? Stanozolol? ou juste lol?

Bernard MOREAU

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Ben oui, y'en avait mais en sachant qu'il était facile de les déjouer sauf qu'apparemment y'a eu une grosse percée du côté de la détection!!!

Une grosse de grosse!

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Comment cette percée a-t-elle été possible?

J'ai tout bêtement été chercher la réponse sur cyclingnews où l'on trouve sur le forum la réf citées + bas.

Une équipe de chercheurs de la fameuse Université du sport de Cologne a ciblé les métabolites les plus stables de ces deux produits.

 targeting long-term metabolites of the respective drugs


Bravo à eux, ils donnent aux instances sportives l'occasion d'assainir diverses disciplines en donnant un grand coup de pied dans la fourmilière.

On va savoir si ces instances reprennent la balle au bond ou bien sont dirigées par des émules de Verbruggen.

Expanding analytical possibilities concerning the detection of stanozolol misuse by means of high resolution/high accuracy mass spectrometric detection of stanozolol glucuronides in human sports drug testing.

Schänzer W, Guddat S, Thomas A, Opfermann G, Geyer H, Thevis M.

Institute of Biochemistry - Center for Preventive Doping Research, German Sport University Cologne, Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6, 50933, Cologne, Germany.


Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) represent one of the most frequently detected classes of prohibited substances in doping controls. Due to their long-lasting beneficial effects on athletic performance, utmost retrospectivity via urine analysis is desirable and accomplished by targeting long-term metabolites of the respective drugs. In case of stanozolol, a substantial variety of metabolites has enabled the identification of numerous adverse analytical findings in the past, and recent studies concerning complementary phase-I and phase-II metabolites has further expanded the windows of opportunity for detecting the abuse of stanozolol. In this study, the utility of liquid chromatography-high resolution/high accuracy (tandem) mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for the detection of 3'-OH-stanozolol glucuronide in sports drug testing is presented and the identification of two additional and so far unreported metabolites is shown. The structures of the complementary glucuronic acid conjugates were attributed to stanozolol-N-glucuronide and 17-epistanozolol-N-glucuronide. By means of chemical synthesis, stanozolol-N-glucuronide was prepared and used to corroborate the suggested structures. The 3'-OH-stanozolol glucuronide and the newly identified target compounds were implemented into routine sports drug test assays consisting of direct injection LC-MS/MS or solid-phase extraction (SPE) followed by LC-MS/MS. A considerably expanded detection window for stanozolol abuse was demonstrated compared to the use of conventional phase-I metabolites and methodologies based on, for example, low resolution LC-MS/MS or gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The commercial availability of 3'-OH-stanozolol glucuronide has been of great value for confirmatory purposes, and 17-epistanozolol-N-glucuronide was found to be a favourable long-term metabolite for doping controls as it was observed up to 28?days post-administration of the drug. Applying the established methodology over a period of six months to 659 routine sports drug testing samples, a total of 85 adverse analytical findings was uncovered, 72 of which would have remained undetected using earlier employed GC-MS/MS approaches. 


La dernière phrase indique qu'en 6 mois, en réanalisant 659 échantillons, ils en ont trouvé 85 positifs dont 13 seulement auraient été découverts par l'ancienne méthode!

13% (85/659) de positifs pour UN SEUL produit, c'est prodigieux, Ben Johnson lui avait vraiment fait une pub d'enfer à ce stanozolol!

Comme y'a des 10aines de produits disponibles ...

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